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网曝上海10岁男童引诱5岁女童做不雅行为,监控视频曝光! 事件发生在上海七宝万科西西弗里书店,5岁女童被10岁男孩引诱猥琐摸下体,并让女童舔男孩下体。当家人拿着 20 多秒的录像,在第一时间报警后。10 岁男孩的家长却丝毫不配合警方的办案,拒接电话,也不去警察局做笔录,说女孩是自愿的。 https://t.co/6nP9lCPHip
: : : : : : The incident happened at the Vanke Xixifuli Bookstore in Qibao, Shanghai. A 5-year-old girl was seduced by a 10-year-old boy and had her genitals touched in an indecent manner. The boy then made the girl lick his genitals. When the family took the more than 20-second video and called the police immediately. The parents of the 10-year-old boy refused to cooperate with the police in their investigation, refused to answer the phone, and refused to go to the police station to give a statement, saying that the girl did it voluntarily. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :